Wagtown in the News
Beth Miller at Global Pet Expo being interviewed for the new Pets Add Life podcast from DogTV and APPA (American Pet Products Association).
april 2024 • pets Add life (and market development) through REal Dog fRiendliness
On this episode Chris and Kristen talk to Beth Miller from Wagtown about the real definition of dog friendly and how we get there.
april 2024 • FB Live with Dr Nelva Bryant & Beth Miller, Wagtown
“Join us as we peak with the Founder of Wagtown and learn about how her organization strives to make every neighborhood "Pet-Friendly…”
When a project begins with heart and passion, it can drive massive change anda possibilities.
january 2024 • Radio Free 501c: Building Wagtown - The Passion Project with Beth Miller
“Beth Miller, has a passion for helping communities become dog-friendly. She is the Founder of Wagtown, a nonprofit that works with individuals and organizations to help educate the public, business owners, and decision makers (think legislators and regulators) on the benefits of including pets in our community (not just their owners' lives)…”
Wagtown brings years of experience in parks and recreation. That gives an edge by understanding the outdoor and conservation niche.
december 2023 • Communities Going to the Dogs…Willingly
“Even so, says Beth Miller, CEO of Wagtown, a national group that advocates for responsible dog-friendly people and communities, their survey of park and recreation leaders showed that “the top three barriers to great dog park experiences are available land, financial support and subject matter expertise…”
Wagtown founder, the #dogfriendlyexpert®, has an animated conversation with Chrissy Joy and Amber Aquart of DogTv’s “The Dog Moms Podcast.”
october 2023 • The Dog Moms Episode 14: Beth Cherryholmes Miller
“Boy, if you want to meet someone who is passionate about this line of work, she is the woman…”
“Is this something that if people wanted to have Wagtown be more part of advocating for making their environment - their city - more dog friendly?”
Once again The Dog People from Rover reached out to the dog friendly expert for guidance on laws related to pet waste management and responsible dog owner behavior.
august 2023 • dog poop etiquette is important for dog lovers to keep their dog friendly freedoms
“While dog poop etiquette is a “dirty” topic, it’s extremely important for dog lovers to discuss it—and to never leave a bag of poop in a private trashcan, according to Beth Cherryholmes Miller…”
Wagtown partners with community leaders like Five Rivers MetroParks and Wagner Subaru to increase pet inclusiveness at outdoor recreation events.
august 2023 • three outdoor play dates for you and your best fur friend
“Walk along the river with your favorite furry friend for some exercise, and then relax and watch the paddlers enjoy RiverScape River Run. Check out Wagtown’s Dog Trail of Downtown Dayton for additional places to walk downtown…”
Dogs on planes are on the rise. This is the perfect time for conversations about safety, responsibility, legislation, and health.
july 2023 • Live w/Dr Nelva Bryant & Beth Miller about dog friendly progress when pets fly
Have you ever been somewhere that is over the top with dog-friendliness that even your pooch leaves thinking he is a king? Well it is because of this great company, Wagtown, that helps businesses and locations think of creative ways to be dog-friendly.
“When I first started this journey at UD, I wanted to gain the credibility and the tools to just go in the direction of nonprofit work. But little did I know, Dayton was just my launch pad, and…”
April 2023 • My Flyer Story: Off the leash
“When I started my classes, I felt even more confident that’s why I was put on this Earth.” Better communities built on the tenets of Wagtown (humane, safe, responsible, economical, infrastructure, and healthy) are a big win for communities around the globe. Now we’re leading the way to a more relevant definition of dog friendly…”
Animal super-advocate Debbie Dahmer talks pet welfare, breed discrimination, and more with Beth Cherryholmes Miller.
february 2023 • animal advocates radio “voices carry for animals - Wagtown - Beth cherryholmes Miller
“Tune In **LIVE INTERVIEW**Animal Advocates Radio“Voices Carry For Animals #382” onFeb 2nd @7:00 PM est Hosted by Debbie Dahmer Guest will .…”
January 2023 • Dogs are Taxpayers Too: The Future of Dog Parks in Your Community
“Learn innovative ways to plan for and create sustainable, cost effective, equitable, and responsive solutions to the demand for dog parks in recreation spaces. Beth Miller from Wagtown.org will share her SMART Dog Park approach which results in properly maintained off-leash areas that are safer and more enjoyable for well-behaved dogs and their responsible families to exercise, play, and socialize. Go beyond what you think a dog play area can bring to a community.…”
december 2022 • The effect of dog friendliness on canine health & wellness
“Hello dog lovers, do you want to advocate for your dog's health and wellness? Well, you're in the right place. And today I am joined by Beth Miller, who is going to share with us the effect of dog friendliness on canine health and wellness. Beth, thanks so much for…”
Learn some of the factors that can encourage or threaten dog friendliness.
November 2022 • What it Means to be “Dog-Friendly” with Beth Miller | The Long Leash
“What does it mean to be dog-friendly? What is a dog friendliness desert? What to consider when building a new dog park. The economic benefits of being dog-friendly. Dog walkers working with law enforcement…”
Innovators who contribute resources, products, and services to those looking to create the dog parks of the future…today.
may 2022 • WSF: how smart dog park’s sponsor, wsf (Willoughby steel fountains) IS HELPING REDEFINE THE TERM “DOG-FRIENDLY” with newly revealed fountains specifically made for dogs)
“We are very excited to partner with Willoughby [Stainless Fountains]. The match of their subject matter expertise AND custom solutions for students and members make them a perfect match for the SMART Dog Park platform. As we all begin to create…”
AUGUST 2022 • Wagtown & SMART Dog Park Professional Certification platform and beth miller
“Beth Miller is founder of the nonprofit, Wagtown and creator of the SMART Dog Park Professional Certification Platform. After 30 years in the ad agency world and 6 years in parks and recreation, Beth took at leap of faith — in herself, and in the power of dogs. In 2016, she brought along her experience with parks & recreation communications, strategic planning, advocacy, …”
July 2022 • move over mayberry, wagtown is the friendliest Town (for Dogs)
“The impact of dogs on our lives is without dispute,” Miller tells The Dog People. “Now, it’s time to engineer our lives to include pets.”
To do this, Miller created a system of resources, standards, and programs that advocate for dog-friendliness, and this includes everything from SMART Dog Park certification and membership (more on this below) to town “assessments, K-1 Curriculum, children’s book and supplemental materials, master classes, consulting, leveraging big data, award-winning marketing, and empowerment from leadership to …”
Officials open yet another dog park in Wagtown’s backyard: Dayton, Ohio.
July 2022 • ‘Dogs will love it,’ City of Dayton opens new dog park
“Mayor Jeffrey J. Mims, Jr., neighborhood leaders, and other city officials were on hand with dog owners to celebrate the new park.
The park has been unofficially open for a couple weeks and the city believes it will be a drawing card to bring more dogs to the community…”
June 2022 • Dayton adds new dog park to deweese neighborhood
“This is a neighborhood where a lot of people have dogs, and a lot of people walk their dogs,” said Mike Herrlein, president of the Deweese – Ridgecrest Civic Association. “It is just the nature of a nice neighborhood like this, and I think I can speak for the neighborhood and say they’re thrilled to have this park...”
Wagtown Founder Beth Cherryholmes Miller talks about where we’re headed with better dog off leash play.
may 2022 • The evolution of dogs in our lives and its impact on dog-friendly infrastructure
“Using tools to attract dog-loving families to communities. Perhaps the key to economic vitality is lying at our feet: dogs…”
Innovator and visionary, Beth Miller, profile and introduction to her nonprofit and for profit ventures.
april 2022 • shoutout colorado meets beth Miller
“Possibilities. I am drawn to the “what if” factor, particularly when it’s my idea. I’m okay with that at this stage of my career. Narcissism is a common color (self-painted, naturally) of creatives. We believe that we can change the world through a nugget that blooms into a game changer. We believe reaching out and grabbing that carrot is possible.”
A friendly dog can turn into a real problem if you don’t take steps to be in control of your dog…and yourself.
april 2022 • How to Safely and Effectively Deal with Off-Leash Dogs
“One of the most challenging and potentially dangerous aspects of adventuring with your cat is dealing with off-leash dogs. Encountering leashed dogs can already be frightening for some cats, and when approaching dogs are OFF-leash, things can become especially unpredictable. What makes things worse is…”
See an engaging discussion about the Wagtown journey and our impact on communities around the world.
March 2022 • VIP APP Member Beth Miller the founder and CEO of Wagtown
“What is your background and how did you get started with Wagtown…”
It’s no surprise that Americans now look at their dogs as family members and want the best for them. From designer food to fancy furniture, the family dog is often treated like royalty.
March 2022 • beth miller helps communities become more dog friendly
“After talking to more than 600 people, Miller (founder of Wagtown) began work on her SMART Dog Park certification program — designed to provide a master plan for the dog parks and to train people on how to create them with an emphasis on safety, manners, awareness, responsibility and training (SMART)…”
“All of these people who will be certified will be community members,” Miller said. “The only possible outcome will be to create better experiences than ever before…
february 2022 • SMART Dog Park Professional Certification Program Created by Wagtown Earns National Recognition
“It’s one of the top trends in the parks and recreation industry for 2022. SMART Dog Park is a program that provides education and certification. (SMART stands for Safety, Manners, Awareness, Responsibility and Training.) Developed with formidable expertise from Wagtown, SMART is forecasted to be a true game-changer in a much-needed area: empowerment for better experiences in dog-welcoming spaces. “I honestly can’t imagine a better resource to help bring dog-friendliness to any community,” affirmed Richard Lapedes, community leader and champion for the SMART Dog Park pilot project in Yellow Springs, Ohio…
SMART Dog Park creates a new reality where off-leash areas and other play spaces are more sustainable, safer, and much more a part of the fabric of the town.
february 2022 • SMART Dog Park certification and membership program praised by veterinary experts
“SMART Dog Park professional certification program aims to change the way cities plan dog parks. This new program will bring the experience of veterinary professionals and other training and guidance into the planning and development of dog parks. The certification program offers a self-paced set of short videos, live AMA (ask me anything) sessions, collaborative virtual workspaces, webinars, plan development tools, tests, and offers an ongoing supply of resources to plan, create, evaluate, and improve...”
January 2022 • Meet Beth Cherryholmes Miller–Dog Friendly Expert and creator of SMart Dog Park
The Dog Connection Show, Season 6. Episode 13; Kathy, Gaetan and Roman welcome Beth Cherryholmes Miller. Miller is founder and CEO of Wagtown and creator of the SMART Dog Park™ Professional Certification program. Learn all about her big initiative, its impact on multiple industries, and her goal to independently fun her nonprofit, Wagtown.
December 2021 • SMART DOG PARK phenomenon spotlighted by national recreation and parks association
“Maybe one way to take this trend seriously is to just imagine dogs as taxpayers and consider their preferences accordingly when planning new dog parks,” explained Richard Dolesh, recently retired Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at National Recreation and Park Association and leading expert in the hottest trends rising to the top.
Beth Miller, founder of Wagtown and national subject matter expert about dog friendliness, believes that in the same way that we look for enrichment activities for our children, dog owners look for the same for their dogs. SMART dog parks near you are part of the...
september 2021 • GiveawaY from charity paws: Tucker Finds His Forever Home books to help educate young dog lovers
Imagine a world where being yourself is always good enough. That is exactly what Tucker, the pit bull mix dog learns about in the fairytale story Tucker Finds His Forever Home. This book will give you all the feels and is a great training aid for children to learn to be good dog people and also why being themselves is the best thing they can be!
Founder, Beth Miller, emphasizes the importance of this idea and how beneficial it can be for the community's growth. It has been researched the various physical and psychological benefits of having a dog. She also explains the reasons for establishing this non-profitable institution. Beth thoroughly narrates the obstacles that the corporation faces in developing dog-friendly communities.
august 2021 • Consider your dog, cat, or other companion animal before choosing your next home.
“Ultimately, it comes down to a simple question: Is this home pet friendly?” says Miller. “Don’t think of your efforts as being selfish about what you want only for your pet; think of it as supporting and being part of elevating the value of companion animals and creating a better quality of life for you and your pet.”
July 2021 • Good boy! Take your dog on a scavenger hunt through Dayton
Dayton is literally going to go to the dogs.
“Dog friendliness can really define and supercharge a community,” Founder Beth Miller said. “I love the fact that we merged a tour of Dayton from a dog’s perspective and connected so many dog lovers in Dayton.”
Grab a leash and your best friend and head downtown to the Wagtown Scavenger Hunt — a tour of Dayton through the eyes of a dog — Aug. 6 and 7.
The free event takes place along the two-mile Wagtown Dog Trail that is marked by painted paw prints through...
April 2021 • ‘Pet project’— Donation assures dog park’s future
“Ultimately, I got tired of waiting for a dog park to happen,” Butcher said with a laugh. “So, I finally reached out and asked ‘How can I help?’”
Miller said that even with the experience and expertise in establishing successful dog parks that she’s brought to the table, this particular project wouldn’t be happening without Butcher and Lapedes’ contributions and the continued interest of resident and dog champion Linda Rudawski and other dedicated villagers.
“This whole journey has felt almost magical,” Miller said of the group’s collaboration. “It’s almost like kismet, but ultimately, it’s the dogs that brought us all together.”
Lapedes said the project offers a model for other initatives…
In concert with initiative catalyst, Richard Lapedes, young entrepreneur and philanthropist David Butcher and his partner Rachel Hammond are making furry dreams come true. Thanks to the Wagtown SMART Dog Park project, authentic and responsible dog-friendliness is on its way to Yellow Springs, Ohio.
April 2021 • New area dog park to open thanks to local entrepreneur’s donation
“I love dogs and I love this community,” Butcher said. “A dog park is just as much about people and community as it is about dogs. I’ve always wanted to help and get more involved.”
Butcher said he and his partner had been taking their rescue dog, Luna, a half-German Shepherd and half-Great Pyrenees, to a dog park in Fairborn and were interested in having one in the village.
Beth Miller, president and CEO of nonprofit consulting firm Wagtown, was contacted by the village to help organize efforts around the dog park. Miller said because of delays due to the coronavirus pandemic, opening the dog park seemed far away until Butcher…
Human-animal bond proponent Diane Rose-Solomon interviews Wagtown Founder, Beth Cherryholmes Miller.
What makes a community dog-friendly? Is it when we treat our animals humanely? Is it when the population is safe? Is it when the community is welcoming? Is it when we are teaching our children empathy? These are just some of the questions that Beth Miller, founder of Wagtown.org begins to answer.
Great insights…including info on the effect of working animals on dog friendliness. Huge thanks to Jen Reeder for reaching out to us.
March 2021 • New Airline Rules Regarding Emotional Support Animals: What You Need to Know
Beth Miller, president and CEO of Wagtown, a nonprofit that works to make communities across America more pet-friendly, says it’s understandable that many people feel better in the company of their pets. But when people lie or exaggerate about their needs, as with ESAs, it sets a bad example and hinders efforts to promote pet-friendly policies.
“There’s no faster way to lose access with your dogs than to not be responsible about it,” she says.
Expertise on dog friendliness comes to Clubhouse with Wagtown’ Official Dog Friendly Club.
March 2021 • Dog Friendly comes to Clubhouse
What is the vision for The Official Dog Friendly Club?
Dog lovers are empowered to become advocates for real and responsible dog friendliness in their communities.
What is the Dog Friendly Club’s mission?
Provide a supportive space that inspires collaboration, education and important conversations about the many aspects and opportunities of genuine dog friendliness.
Communities CAN have genuine dog friendliness. Hear it all on Wear, Wag, Repeat’s popular podcast.
March 2021 • Authentic dog friendliness is possible, but we all play a role in making it happen
“In this episode, I’m talking to Beth Miller to learn about the research she does at Wagtown about dog friendliness, how to define what that even means and how we can make our towns more dog friendly. Beth shares her insight into the complications of working with local government and regulations. We discussed how a lot of laws surrounding pets are related to public health and safety and don’t address the benefits of having dogs in the community. Now that dogs are considered a part of the family in our society some of those regulations could use an update!…
Wagtown Founder, Beth Miller discusses pet loss and grief with animal communicator, Liz Murdoch of Talking with the Dogs!
February 2021 • Encountering Dog Grief: Dog Love and Loss
“Animal communicator Liz Murdoch talks with national leader in dog-friendly communities, Beth Cherryholmes Miller about dog love and loss. They discuss Liz's chat finding out what Rocky shared of his recent crossing over, grief, & guilt after a dog’s death…”
Wagtown Founder, Beth Miller addresses the crowd at a dog-friendly celebration in the bustling Gateway District, Columbus, Ohio.
FEBRUARY 2021 • Dog-Friendly Communities Are a Boon to All
“Learn how our furry friends are helping us in our fight against poor conditions for companion animals. Find out what dog-friendly communities are and their importance to all. Read about one brave lady who has made it her life mission to put a stop to the monstrosities involved in this...”
February 2021 • Remembering Rocky: Guest Share by Beth Miller on pet perennials
“Think of all your friends. All of them. Now focus on your best friends. The ones you can go to, to celebrate your biggest wins, be in the company of someone special, and be there to help you through the most difficult times in your life.
Now, imagine living in a world where your best friends each pass away within 15 years of your first meeting. You will love them. They will love you. You will teach them and they will teach you.
Every time your best friends become ill, you’ll be the first one to find out and the last one to say goodbye…”
Debut children’s book, “Tucker Finds His Forever Home,” from Wagtown addresses some serious issues and heartwarming possibilities.
February 2021 • Ohio Barker: Wagtown
“If you love dogs, you need to know about Beth Miller, founder of Wagtown: the charitable organization that helps communities become more dog friendly. “Wagtown is the bridge between ‘We want to be dog friendly’ and ‘We are dog friendly,’” she explained.
Since launching Wagtown in 2016, Beth has interviewed more than 500 community leaders, …”
Wagtown founder and author of “Tucker Finds His Forever Home.”
november 2020 • wagtown founder authors new childrens book
“Wagtown Founder, Beth Miller, wrote a children's book that will benefit animal welfare projects.
The book is called 'Tucker Finds His Forever Home.” It follows the story of 'Tucker, a young pitbull dog and his journey to finding a loving home. The book features beautiful watercolor illustrations by local artist Erica Schindler.
Dayton 24/7 NOW’s Kristen Cornett had the chance to talk with Beth Miller and Erica Schindler about the project and what it was like to bring Tucker to life.” The book addresses some big topics like discrimination and fear as well as self-worth and unconditional love.
october 2020 • OHIO bucket list: Wagtown Downtown Dog Walk in Dayton, Ohio
“We explored the, first in the nation, Wagtown Dog Trail in downtown Dayton, OH It is a two-mile long, dog-friendly trail that connects Webster Station to the Oregon District. It is a place where dog lovers can meet other dog lovers, find pup-friendly businesses and much more. There are “Barking Spots” along the way with resting spots that feature local artists. The trail is marked by painted dog…”
Wagtown kicks off Change.org petition to create National Dog Friendly Week in the United States.
october 2020 • wagtown launches change.org petition
Wagtown has partnered with national animal advocates as well as legislative leaders to create a new way to create more dog-friendly communities: “National Dog-Friendly Week” - a recognized national holiday! Dogs make the world a better place. Now it’s time to make the world a better place for them.
Here is what Wagtown is proposing…
The dog park location makes great use a fallow green space in Yellow Springs, Ohio.
october 2020 • Dog park in Yellow Springs could become reality
“Yellow Springs could soon have a space for four-legged furry friends to run and play off leash.
The village is one step closer to creating a dog park. Village council will hear a presentation of the dog park proposal later this fall and vote on the use of a Gaunt Park site. Brian Housh, Village Council President, said a dog park has been talked about for…”
september 2020 • Wagtown Scavenger Hunt announced
“Take your pup on a little adventure with a Wagtown scavenger hunt! WDTN-2 Living Dayton talks with Wagtown founder, Beth Miller, about the details and how to participate.”
Wagtown is working with the Village of Yellow Springs to develop their first off-leash area.
september 2020 • ‘See Spot run’— Plans for local dog park take shape
“‘A dog park is more than half for the people,” project champion Richard Lapedes said in an interview. He added that a Yellow Springs dog park would be a “potent amenity,” enhancing life in the village. And the planned canine recreation spot at Gaunt Park is perhaps more people-focused than most. What’s envisioned for the site is a “S.M.A.R.T. Dog Park,” a concept developed by outside consultant Beth Miller for the Yellow Springs project. The acronym…”
The nation’s first downtown Wagtown Dog Trail is located in Dayton, Ohio.
september 2020 • downtown dayton partnership FAST FACTS: WAGTOWN DOG TRAIL CONNECTS DOWNTOWN LOCATIONS
“A local organization with a mission to make Dayton more dog friendly recently completed a new 2-mile dog trail in downtown Dayton. You can spot the trail by following the large paw prints painted on sidewalks through the Oregon District, down St. Clair Street and through the Water Street and Webster Station districts of downtown. The Wagtown trail offers dog lovers easy…”
Founder, Beth Miller and Wagtown’s Chief Petting Officer prep for the Wagtown Dog Trail installation.
AUGUST 2020 • Wagtown opens first of its kind dog trail in downtown Dayton
“The 2-mile dog trial takes walkers around downtown Dayton from Day Air Ballpark to the Oregon District. Click here to see the trial map. The goal is to connect walkers with local business through new partnerships that allow for promotional opportunities along …”
Marco Sanders-Johnson leads his group of volunteers painting paws on the Wagtown Dog Trail.
AUGUST 2020 • First-of-its-kind dog trail opens in Downtown Dayton
“If you’re a dog lover and you’re in the suburbs or anywhere and you want to have a new experience for what to do with your dog, this is the place to do it. It’s going to be a great way to tour downtown and all the cool little spots down here. We’re also going to be highlighting all the businesses around the route that …”
Three Eagle Scout candidates from the Miami Valley contributed many hours to help Wagtown realize their dream.
AUGUST 2020 • Eagle Scouts, volunteers paint dog walking path in downtown Dayton, OHIO
Several Eagle Scouts and a handful of scout volunteers are helping paint a Wagtown Dog Trail throughout downtown Dayton, a move they hope promotes dog-friendliness in businesses …
This unique destination hopes to make an economic impact on businesses along the Wagtown Dog Trail.
JULY 2020 • Downtown Dayton dog trail to begin construction
Wagtown Dog Trail, the brain child of Beth Miller, founder has been recognized as a contributor to the economic health of the community. “A downtown Dayton dog trail is set to break ground this weekend. Wagtown, a Dayton-established nonprofit advocating for dog-friendliness across the U.S., is beginning construction on its …”
Wagtown awarded Lux Life’s Annual Award for our work with communities seeking authentic and responsible dog friendliness.
JUNE 2020 • LUXlife Magazine Announces Wagtown as the Winner of 2020 Pet Product & Services Awards for Dog-friendly community development
“Pet care is a swiftly growing market, and that might just be an understatement. As with all things, if it exists there’s a luxury variant to it. A high-end product or service that exceeds every expectation. LUXlife launched the Pet Products and Services Awards…” LuxLife
Coffee Chat: Get to Know Beth Miller
May 2020 • Coffee Chat: Get to Know Beth Miller
“Beth Miller, the Founder of Wagtown, is joining us for a coffee chat this week. Wagtown is creating community where residents and visitors recognize and enjoy the many benefits and opportunities of responsible dog-friendliness. She even wrote a children's book about it! Come join us and learn more.”
Dogs and their humans had a dog-gone good time to support Wagtown projects in Dayton, Ohio.
Dogs and their humans descended upon the Troll Pub at the Wheelhouse on Saturday, September 14, 2019. With gotcha days for rescues bringing dogs for adoption, dozens of attendees with prizes and treats, and ice cream yummies for dogs, Wagtown Pups on Patios was a big success. Attendees and dog lovers are invited to check out the photos taken by Tom Gilliam Photography. Click here to look for your pup.
Huge thanks to all of the attendees, partners, and sponsors. You made the wag happen!
Local dog lovers are thrilled to welcome more dog-friendly places.
JULY 2019 • Nonprofit receives funding to build downtown Dayton dog trail
The trail is expected to take almost a year to complete, with construction set to begin early fall following the unveiling of the artists selected to be a part of the project, according to Wagtown President and CEO Beth Miller. She said spring…
Excitement builds as the Wagtown Dog Trail approaches.
JULY 2019 • Wagtown Dog Trail coming to downtown Dayton
It’s the first in the nation, and will be a two-mile long dog-friendly trail that connects Webster Station to the Oregon District.
Beth Miller, the President and CEO of Wagtown said it will be a place where dog lovers can meet other dog lovers, find pup-friendly businesses and much…
City of Dayton celebrates national recognition from Mars Petcare for dog-friendly initiative for kids.
JULY 2019 • ‘Wagtown' looking to the future after national recognition for work in Dayton, Ohio
The City of Dayton and Wagtown have now been recognized nationally…
Wagtown’s K-1 Curriculum is written to national education standards.
JULY 2019 • Dayton awarded prestigious $20,000 grant for dog-education program aimed at city’s youth
Last weekend, Mayor Nan Whaley was presented with the $20,000 grant for Wagtown, Inc.’s work on the Wagtown K-1 program and Wagtown children’s book. The prestigious award was presented at the United States Conference of Mayors…
Paxton and Pearle
May 2019 • Centerville Washington Park District Announces Partnership with nonprofit, Wagtown
Park districts are just one of many that are investigating new ways to appeal to dog-loving residents. According to Wagtown research, there has been a surge in interest in programs and projects that involve dogs and their owners. Seeing the growth…
april 2019 • Dayton to get first ‘official’ dog park
“The city of Dayton will get its first “official” dog park later this year in the Linden Heights neighborhood. On Saturday, about 47 volunteers removed trash and cleaned up Highland Park to start preparations for a new dog park. Highland Park is at the northeast corner of Wyoming Street and Steve Whalen Boulevard. The 12-acre park already is a popular spot among dog owners, who bring…”
Coverage re: off-leash play options
june 2018 • Wagtown wants to help make Dayton more dog friendly
"Not yet," Wagtown Founder & CEO Beth Miller said. "But we have fantastic ideas on how to get there." Miller founded Wagtown, a non-profit, in 2016. She quit her 30-year career to pursue a passion for pets, specifically dogs.
"People are starting to recognize that dollars follow dogs," she said. Miller said the pet space is a $74 billion industry, and is continually growing. She's spent the past two years doing research across the country and conducted more than 400 interviews."When I did research in New York," she explained, "I had four different realty groups tell me that the number one question…
Wagtown’s Pups on Patios Legislative Support
May 2018 • Make Your Community Dog Friendly with Wagtown’s Beth Miller
Do you want more dog-friendly neighborhoods near you? So does, Beth Miller, the founder of Wagtown, a movement based in Dayton, Ohio to raise awareness, create pet-friendly legistlation, and more wagging tails throughout your communities. As a friend of mine and fellow female entrepreneur (aka womanpreneur), I convinced Beth…
april 2018 • humarian health talks with beth Miller, founder of wagtown 501(c)(3)
“Dr. B. is joined by Beth Miller at BlogPaws 2018 to talk about wagtown.org, how to determine if an area is dog-friendly, how dog-friendly areas can positively influence a community, and why dog-friendly areas can help to drive economic growth.”
Beth Miller, Founders Award Dinner. Award from Chewy.com and Hill’s Science Diet.
april 2018 • Wagtown wins international animal Advocacy Award
BlogPaws, a subsidiary of Chewy.com, recently announced the winner for the first-ever BlogPaws Founders’ Award for excellence in animal advocacy. The victor is Dayton-area start-up, Wagtown, founded by Ohio native, Beth Miller. Wagtown, now leading several initiatives to bring grant dollars to communities available through large resource giants in the pet industry to enhance the region’s…
February 2018 • miami valley voices, key wagtown INITIATIVES moving forward
Conversation with the amazing and creative Ron Rollins with Dayton Daily News and WHIO Radio for his focus on key Wagtown initiatives rolling forward for more dog-friendliness in Ohio. Click to listen, share the message, and become a part of the movement.
september 2017 • Why this 10-year-old boy collected 140 pounds of cat and dog food
[His mom] hopes other parents here are inspired to encourage their children to have similar parties here.
A local effort has seen more than 22,300 pounds of food donated so far for pets impacted by Harvey, according to the organizer, Wagtown, an organization that advocates for dog friendly communities.
August 2017 • Daytonian of the Week: Beth Miller
“There is a story behind every golden nugget in Dayton. It's time for Dayton to unpack its stories, shout them from the rooftops, shake each other's hands, pat each other on the back, and walk together toward a spectacular future for our city.”
may 2017 • Wagtown wins international animal Advocacy Awardapril 2018 • Wagtown wins international animal Advocacy Award
Gem City Podcast sits down with Wagtown to talk dog friendliness. Fido-welcoming communities are vibrant, stronger, and better connected. Dog-friendly destinations attract people, spur economic growth, and foster loyalty. A “Wagtown zone” contributes to the core vitality of livable communities across the…
Beth Miller & Tom Everhart announcing Dayton projects on WDTN
May 2017 • Learn more about the initiative to make Dayton a more "dog friendly" city.
WDTN-2 gets the inside scoop on a new initiative in the Dayton, Ohio.
Wagtown: The Ultimate Level of Dog-Friendly City
August 2017 • Wagtown: the ultimate level of dog-friendly city
When opportunities come along to meet extraordinary people, you know instantly, “They are on to something!” That is exactly how I felt when I finished with my first conversation with Beth Miller of Wagtown.
Wagtown will be one of the new waves of the future, as they will be changing perception and culture in cities across the country and they are just getting started.
Pro Pet Hero Interview
April 2017 • What’s Up Wednesday – Wagtown
“Today I interviewed Beth Miller, founder and president of Wagtown – where the wag happens. Beth and her partner Tom saw a serious problem with what “dog friendly’ actually meant. To many it’s a moniker as she states, a name tossed around by companies and cities to attract the dog owning public. It’s not defined, it can…”
Spotlight on the impact of culture shift and how it’s shaping parks and recreation now and in the future.
April 2012 • National parks and Recreation spotlight: Advice from Beth Miller, conservation task force
“Just as everyone in your community can contribute to your agency’s conservation efforts, everyone in the NRPA community can contribute to the conservation efforts of our industry. I would encourage all NRPA members to…well, advocate for advocacy! Invest in a solid marketing strategy. Gather best practices from each other. Use NRPA’s collaborative tools to learn what you can from stellar industry leaders. Then, find your own compelling story that is aligned with your mission. Be true to the vision, the mission, and the message...”