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Dog-Friendly Benefits
Wagtown’s values reflect the positive impact dog-friendly workplaces, public spaces, dog parks, and neighborhoods have on their broader communities. Authentic dog-friendly communities are:
Entry from 3_bad_dawgs (IG) for Wagtown Dog Scavenger Hunt in Dayton, Ohio.
Cooking “with the kids” has taken on new meaning with dog friendly towns on the rise. bindi_the_local (IG)
Events for dogs and their owners have been skyrocketing as dog friendly communities become even more popular.
Authentic Dog Friendliness. Wagtown sets responsible and genuine standards for the term, “dog friendly.” Our mission is to lead the movement and help communities make the most of the huge benefits of dog friendliness across the United States. To do this, we advocate for dog-friendliness through assessments and membership, K-4 Curriculum, children’s book and supplemental materials, master classes, consulting, leveraging big data, award-winning marketing, and empowerment from leadership to volunteers .
A Wagtown community is a place where residents and visitors recognize and enjoy the many benefits and opportunities of responsible dog-friendliness. These communities are vibrant, stronger, and better connected. Wagtown destinations attract people, spur economic growth, and foster loyalty. With Wagtown’s #dogfriendlyexpert guidance, the core vitality of livable communities across the United States can be strengthened through dog friendly projects, programs, and initiatives. From dog attitudes, prioritization, dog parks, legislation and more: Wagtown brings solutions that are replicable and responsible.